What is SEO?

What is SEO?


SEO or ‘Search Engine Optimization’ is the method of getting maximum website visits or “traffic” without any payment or “organically”. Popular search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing display results based on subjects and topics that are relevant to website users. SEO Marketing is free and does not involve any form of payment. It depends on the following criteria:
•    Quantity of traffic
•    Quality of traffic
•    Organic search engine results
The quantity of traffic is the number of times a web page or website has been visited or viewed by internet users. The quality of traffic is the number of times viewers reached the page or website that they were looking for. Organic search results are results that are automatically provided without the additional need of payment and advertising.  
When you search for something on an online search engine, you create content traffic. This builds an index on the search engine and it generates results based on the number of related traffic that matches your query. Certain keywords matching your query help to populate results and you are provided with information related to the query that you had been searching for. Information displayed is accurate, authentic, and of high quality.
In order to achieve excellent optimization, it is essential to make sure that title tags, meta tags, and meta descriptions are informative so that you are immediately provided with the information that you require. Title tags are titles of pages that contain important keywords that are SEO-sensitive. They get extracted when a search word matches a keyword. Meta tags are small descriptions that are provided about a particular website. They are always found in the results populated by the search engine but NOT within the website itself. Meta descriptions are short sentences which summarize the content of a web page. They contain keywords within the summary which are very important for SEO. 
There are two main methods of SEO:
•    On Site – codes and keywords are embedded within the website of your choice. When you ask for a query, the keywords match to provide you with the information that you are seeking.   
•    Off Site – keywords that are embedded in the website of your choice are identified and extracted through an exterior search engine to provide you with the information that you are seeking.   
Just as technology is dynamic, algorithms also keep changing continuously and frequently. In order to remain highly efficient in marketing, it is essential to use the latest keywords and title tags. To achieve this, regular research is mandatory.
Accurate SEO strategies are a long-term strategy for business and marketing. They help to promote and expand:
•    Digital Marketing
•    Brand Awareness
•    Social Media-based Advertising
•    Search Engine-based Advertising